
Augenklinik Stralsund, Praxis Dr. med. M. Fechner

D-18435 Stralsund
Große Parower Straße 47
Klinikum am Sund
3rd Floor

Tel: +49 3831 380002
Fax: +49 3831 380003 


Complete documentation

With regard to an eye operation, two problem areas are to be considered:
a) the effect of the operation on the eye
b) the effect of the operation on the human being as a whole

a) an operation always constitutes an injury, which is connected with corresponding dangers for the respective organ. The greatest danger in eye surgery is posed by the potential risk of intraocular infection. For this reason, not only sterility is paid attention to very thoroughly during the operative intervention itself, but, by the application of antibiotic eye-drops before and after the surgery, it is made sure that no living bacteria can get into the open wound and in the interior of the eye. It is essential that the patient carrys out this treatment with greatest conscientiousness, because an infection of the interior of the eye may cause the loss of sight or even the loss of the eye. Moreover, the irritation of the interior of the eye accompanying the surgery causes an inflammatory reaction, which, from time to time, may jeopardize the success of the operation, and therefore has to be suppressed. This is also why, after the operative intervention, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory eye-drops or ophthalmic ointments which have to be administered regularly.
b) local anaesthesia or – in case of extensive operations – general anaesthesia constitute stress for the organism as an entirety. In the preliminary stages of the surgery it therefore has to be clarified by the general practitioner (family doctor) or internal medicine specialist whether the patient is "fit for surgery" and whether, if necessary, certain precautious measures in connection with the operation are required (cf. the questionnaire thereto).
Prior to the operation, the essential or critical parameters, e.g. blood pressure, pulse rate or blood sugar, are again being checked and, if necessary, during the operation monitored at short notice. After an operation under local anaesthesia without complications, the patients also remain under supervision until they feel well and are able to go home safely. In the rare cases of acute problems, an emergency medical treatment and, if need be, an inpatient admission with intensive care is warranted.