
Augenklinik Stralsund, Praxis Dr. med. M. Fechner

D-18435 Stralsund
Große Parower Straße 47
Klinikum am Sund
3rd Floor

Tel: +49 3831 380002
Fax: +49 3831 380003 


Near-sightedness (myopia)

far-sightedness (hyperopia)

At the Augenklinik Stralsund moderate and high ametropia (myopia > 6 dpt., hyperopia and astigmatism > 3 dpt.) are corrected implantation of a so-called intraocular contact lense (ICL) or by replacement of the crystalline lens with an artificial intraocular lens of the necessary strength (clear lens exchange, CLE).

The procedure is chosen after the patients have thoroughly been examined and given advice as well as in consideration of their ages and respective wishes.